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Wise Use of Your Credit Union’s Marketing Budget

Green Piggy Bank

As consumers’ budgets are feeling the pinch, so is yours. And when times are tight, credit unions’ marketing budget is typically the first to go, which is contrary to research shows brands that continue their brand marketing not only do better during economic downturns but grow market share, which helps them continue expanding their reach […]

A Lost Opportunity to Grow Members

Person checking off checklist with destination in sight

Your credit union website needs a refresh. Credit union leaders need to be aware of the results of one recent study that reported two important data points: 46% of consumers are now using their smartphone exclusively to browse brands online before making a decision. 40% of consumers are now using their smartphone exclusively to manage […]

Can Your Credit Union Website Help Keep You Out of the Merger Zone?

Person holding puzzle pieces

The buzzword we have been hearing a lot of lately is ‘merger.’ Credit unions are merging left and right, particularly boutique credit unions. But is a merger the best option? Some credit unions will stand firm and tell you that there will never come a day when they should consider it. Others are barely floating […]

Building Financial Independence for Gen Z and Beyond

Man and woman holding coins and piggy bank

July is heavily focused on independence in the U.S. We celebrate with fireworks, get-togethers, delicious, iconic foods and parades with decorative floats. This is also usually paired with a break from school, when kids throw their books aside and get lost in the fun, long summer days and nights.  We’re willing to bet that most […]

Time to Outsource

One person passing baton to another

Does the word “overwhelm” mean anything to your credit union team? This word seems to pop up quite a lot these days when it comes to our never-ending task lists. What would it mean to you if a true business partner were to take a huge task off your to-do list such as redesigning your […]

ACECEFCU Modernizes Member Experience With New Website

ACECEFCU mockup on desktop

ACECEFCU recently overhauled its website,, making it easier to navigate and more visually appealing.  CEO Michelle Stiles explained the new website, designed in collaboration with uncommn Marketing Partners, features bold colors and is easier for users to see and find what they need, as well as highlighting the strategic goals of the credit union. She said […]

Break Free from Long-Term Contracts That Don’t Serve Your Credit Union

Man running away from desk hidden inside a bird cage

With all the technological advancements around us, have you wondered what it would be like to go back to the good old days? You know, where a handshake meant something, and you could 100% trust a business partner and take his or her word to deliver on their promises.  When did things get so convoluted?  […]

Credit Union Website Design Tips for a Trusted Brand

Woman navigating laptop with keyboard while sitting at desk

Want Members to Recommend Your Credit Union? Clean Up Your Website. Word of mouth is said to be the most valuable type of advertising. And given ever-tightening marketing budgets, credit unions cannot afford to lose this avenue to get the word out. What does that have to do with your credit union’s website? More than […]

What One Credit Union Is Doing to Promote Youth Savings

Dollar Dog

Picture this: you’re in the grocery store and throughout the entire shopping trip, your child is asking for everything and anything within reach. You remain calm and respond with a firm, “no”, because you already planned your meals ahead, set a budget, and have been really disciplined in sticking to it. Go you, savvy saver! […]

HCUA Chooses uncommn Marketing Partners for Website Refresh

HCUA desktop mockup

Healthcare Credit Union Association Executive Director Benita Harp needed something taken off her plate, so she engaged uncommn Marketing Partners to update the association’s website. The new features a clean, modern, ADA-compliant design with direct access to the most pertinent information for the association’s members. “Our members are located all over the country, and the new […]