Don’t let your credit union website redesign break your SEO

One thing you might notice when your credit union goes through a website redesign is the traffic to your site can fluctuate quite a bit. If you monitor this regularly, it can be a little startling. That’s because the way your website is designed can impact your Search Engine Optimization (SEO). SEO is how people […]
What Would Happen If You Just Said ‘Yes?’

In the fourth quarter of last year, many credit unions were developing big plans for what 2023 would look like. Whether you were working on strategic plans to launch a new product or streamline your processes, chances are you had big dreams for what this year would hold. But, as we’re now more than a […]
Buying Back Your Time in the New Year With Your Credit Union Website

In 2023, members will need their credit unions more than last year. Why? We’re recession-bound, and members will need your team’s best advice on how to handle their finances. Is it smart to take a loan now? Should I be beefing up my savings if I can? How much? As the financial experts, these are […]
How Feedback Drives a Successful Credit Union Website Design

First impressions are everything. More often than not today, your credit union website is your first impression for members and potential members. Think about the impression you’re giving them through this lens (per Invoca): 81% of loans and mortgage consumers did not have a brand in mind when they performed their web search. That amounts […]
Why your members (and your team) will be grateful for your new credit union website

As credit unions, you work everyday to create better financial lives for your members (and community). If it’s been a few years or longer since your last website overhaul, there’s a good chance that your website isn’t serving your members or your credit union as efficiently as it should. Think about it this way. Your […]
Protect Your Youngest Credit Union Members from ID Theft and Fraud

Identity theft and fraud affected one in 80 children this year, affecting nearly a million families, according to Javelin Research. Those most commonly victimized were younger than 7 years of age, and typically involved downloading a game or app. Total resolution costs rose to a whopping $1,128 per household. The time households spent on resolving […]
Recession-Proof Your Credit Union Website and Help Members

As interest rates rise with the promise of more to come before the end of 2022, consumers are concerned about their finances, particularly access to affordable credit. Inflationary pressures have changed the way consumers behave, putting off big purchases that they can and pulling their credit cards a bit more often than they had been. […]
Mint Valley Gains Control of It’s Credit Union Website

Mint Valley Federal Credit Union is a $23.6 million credit union nestled in Longview, the hub of Cowlitz County in Washington State, with a population just shy of 38,000 people. The city boasts a number of locations on the historic register, from a time when the Great Depression was taking hold. The credit union was […]
Re-energizing with a rebrand and new focus for strategic growth opportunities

We spend every day making suggestions to credit unions about what they should do with their websites and digital grand to meet their objectives. As we’re doing this, we start to notice our site might need a little spiffing up, too. Welcome to the new, completely rebranded to reflect our renewed focus on helping […]
What to Expect When You’re Expecting a New Credit Union Website

If your credit union is planning for a new website in your 2023 budgeting, here are the primary steps to ensure your best chance for success. Find the right partner Myriad credit union website design companies exist. So, how do you identify the right one for your credit union? Before you begin work on a […]